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Unmasking the Astrotheology of the Mystery Schools

Writer's picture: William Cooper's GhostWilliam Cooper's Ghost

- adapted from William Cooper's Mystery Babylon radio series

For centuries, clandestine societies like the Freemasons have safeguarded occult ancient wisdom. This episode of Mystery Babylon peers behind the veil to examine the origins and beliefs of these arcane Mystery Schools.

Radiant sun shining brilliantly at the center of a vast landscape, with representations of various solar deities from different cultures standing in a semi-circle below it. The deities include the Egyptian Ra, Greek Helios, Roman Sol Invictus, and Persian Mithra. The background transitions from night to day, symbolizing the sun's triumph over darkness and its central role in various cultural mythologies.

The Mysteries of the Sun Gods I contend that modern Christianity stems from older astrological faiths and mystery cults that venerated solar deities and zodiac symbolism. In my view, Christianity subtly incorporated and adjusted these astrotheological notions.

Ancient people considered the sun divine because it was the greatest source of light and life. The sun's daily journey represented the triumph over darkness. Prehistoric humans feared the dangers of night until the sun god arose to bring light, warmth, and security. The sun enabled crops to grow and sustained mankind's very existence. Without the renewing power of the morning sun, primitive life was lost in obscurity and chaos. The sun's constancy offered order and hope. Thus, it became a metaphor for the benevolence of the creator.

This celestial sun god took various mythological forms across cultures: the Egyptian Ra, Greek Helios, Roman Sol Invictus, Persian Mithra. But the solar deity's astrological significance remained.

The Sun in the Heavens The sun's passage through the twelve zodiac constellations impressed itself upon ancient astrological belief systems. The sun embodied the perfect life cycle.

The sun's annual journey supplied the framework for the calendar, with twelve zodiac houses marking monthly seasons. Egyptian star charts divided the sun's circular path into four sections, with solstices and equinoxes as cardinal points. The year mirrored the sun god's birth, death, and resurrection. The sun's celestial circuit formed the foundation of astrological cosmology. The Mystery Schools based their philosophies and rituals on the sun's relationship with the twelve zodiac signs, which came to represent stages of spiritual enlightenment.

In this astrotheology, the sun associated with the number twelve, symbolizing the twelve hours of day, twelve months, and twelve apostles. Ancient solar cults revered the number twelve and its multiples.

Death and Rebirth Deities Key to Mystery School theology was the death and renewal of the sun, paralleling plant life cycles. This reinforced ideas of spiritual immortality.

The December solstice marked the sun god's death and darkness overtaking light. At the December 25th winter solstice, the sun began its ascent, victorious over death. Egyptian myths described the evil Set murdering the sun god Osiris, succeeded by Horus's December 25th virgin birth. Similar savior gods like Mithra were miraculously born on the solstice after three days of darkness. Solar deities personified the struggle between light/dark, good/evil, mortality/immortality. The sun god's solstice resurrection symbolized life conquering death, bringing divine salvation. This formed the basis of the Mystery Schools' secret teachings.

Parallels exist between this mythos and Christianity's dying-and-rising Christ. The Messiah's crucifixion, entombment, and ascension on Easter resonated with older solstice savior myths. This supported the Mystery Schools' view of Christianity as derivative of their occult doctrines.

The Zodiac in Scripture Beyond Christ's Passion story, the Mystery Schools identified zodiac symbolism woven throughout Judaeo-Christian theology. Biblical references to twelve tribes, disciples, and sons seemed to them coded astrology.

The Mystery Schools highlighted the number twelve in the Bible, which they linked to the twelve zodiac houses. They also noted allegorical solar imagery, like Christ as the "light of the world" and "morning star." The host draws parallels between Bible verses and zodiac signs. Jesus's fishermen disciples represented Pisces; Judas, the backstabbing Scorpio. Biblical references to the end of the Age connect to the shift from Pisces to Aquarius.

Through an astrological lens, Mystery School adepts saw Christianity saturated with zodiac house symbols, solar allegories, and End Times predictions based on the precession of the equinoxes. This supported their thesis of Christianity's pagan origins.

Whether or not early Christians deliberately integrated astrological concepts remains contested. But according to the Mystery Schools, clues embedded in scripture expose Christianity's esoteric foundations.

Unlocking the Secrets By examining solar cults and their astrotheological philosophies, one gains insight into the Mystery Schools' worldview. Their doctrine of spiritual gnosis challenges orthodox faith traditions.

Unraveling symbolic references reveals how Christianity secretly encoded Mystery School teachings in its own theology, unbeknownst to most believers. Whether this view proves valid, it helps contextualize an influential esoteric undercurrent flowing beneath Western civilization.

The Ancient Secrets Behind Modern Faith Mainstream religion conceals covert mysteries accessible only to initiates of arcane wisdom schools. Do symbolic ciphers embedded in holy texts hold keys to unlocking life's greatest truths?



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